Wednesday, June 16, 2004

And they're still comming

So the other day I received a second set of 3 invites to hand out, which I dutifully did as fast as my little stubby fat fingers could type. Then I felt a bit down for a couple of days as I had no more invites to hand out. That is until this evening when I logged into my gMail to find more invites. This time however I did not get 3 invites, but rather 5!!!

Sorry you cannot have one. I've given them all away already. Better luck next time.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Oh the anguish

look at what those not so nice folks at gMail had to say to me today:

Invite a friend to join Gmail!
You have 0 invitations left
Sorry, you don't have any invitations left. Please try again later.

Thanks for sharing Gmail!

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Invites are in

Check out todays extra text from my gMail screen: Invite a friend to join Gmail!

Gotta love'em. So, Rich & Dave now have invites. Merry beta testing guys.